Orbital rat brain stereolocator uses orbital mode instead of traditional "U" frame, and the lateral positioning range is larger than that of traditional mode. It can also be used to add multiple manipulators for stereolocalization of rat brain according to experimental needs.
Technical parameters
1. Extended base plate dimensions 400mm x 255mm
2. Height of ear bar from bottom plate surface: 55.5 mm
3. Ear rod groove with ruler (accuracy 0.1 mm)
4. The scale range of ear bar is 35mm (accuracy is 1mm), which is convenient for balancing and fixing operation
5. Guide rail length: 255mm
6. Align the guide rail 0 scribe with the center line of the ear bar
7. Scale range at both ends of guide rail O scribe: 100mm, accuracy 1mm
8. Moving range of adapter back and forth: 43.5 mm
9. Upper and lower adjustment range of adapter: 30mm (-20mm ~ + 10mm), accuracy 0.1 mm
Order information
Product description
Brain Stereolocator-Orbital/Single Arm/Rat
Brain Stereolocator-Orbital/Dual Arm/Rat
Brain Stereolocator-Orbital/Digital Display/Single Arm/Rat
Brain Stereolocator-Orbital/Digital Display/Dual Arms/Rat
Orbital Single-arm Brain Stereolocator Base-Rats and Mice
Orbital dual-arm brain stereolocator base-rats and mice
Two-dimensional operating arm (including slide rail fixing joint)-left arm