Two-beam laser interferometer is specially used for measuring butterfly curve and longitudinal piezoelectric coefficient d33 of piezoelectric thin films.
It is suitable for dual-beam laser interferometer characterized by small-sized thin films to 8-inch wafers.
The semi-automatic system is used to test the piezoelectric and electrical properties of MEMS devices on 8 "wafers."
The repetition accuracy of a large number of samples can reach more than 2%.
Test function:
Electromechanical large signal strain, polarization, piezoelectric coefficient, small signal dielectric constant.
Fatigue and reliability of electrical and mechanical properties.
Sample testing:
Polarization curve and displacement curve.
Small signal capacitance and piezoelectric coefficient.
Technical parameters:
Resolution: ≤ 1 pm (X-oriented quartz)
Measurement range: 5pm-+/-25nm
Wavelength: 632.8 nm
Displacement/stress test: > 50Hz, zui smaller 1Hz resolution, 100mV to 10V (optional to 200V)
Piezoelectric d33 coefficient:
Base voltage 100mV to 10V (1mHz to 1Hz), optional to 200V
Small signal 100mV to 10V (1kHz to 5kHz)
C-V test:
Base voltage 100mV to 10V (1mHz to 1Hz), optional to 200V
Small signal 100mV to 10V (1kHz to 5kHz)