According to the list provided by the customer, our center has the advantage to provide the corresponding instrument calibration service, which can reduce the cost on the one hand, save time on the other hand, and reduce the impact on the factory production as much as possible. Our center provides three types of instrument calibration services for different users:
L. The customer sends the instrument to our central laboratory for calibration: The instrument must be sent to our center for calibration because the calibration standard cannot be moved, the calibration environment is strict and other factors, and the customer sends it to the school by himself.
2, I center to our clients to receive back to the laboratory instrument calibration, will have the school again after the completion of the instrument back to the client: standard for the calibration instrument can't move, the calibration environment request strictly all kinds of factors, such as calibration must be sent to my center, only responsible for clients in the field instrument handover counted and equipment transportation, calibration shall be borne by the center.
3, our center to the customer site for instrument calibration, the number of instruments, instruments can not leave the production line for a long time, the on-site calibration environment can meet the calibration requirements, customers want our center to the site for instrument calibration.