LabRAM Soleil is compact in design and ensures laser safety, providing multiple optical observation modes and hyperspectral imaging functions:
Occupied area < 1m2
Large Sample Room for Level 1 Laser Safety
Reflective/transmissive illumination
Bright/Dark/Falling Fluorescence/Phase Difference and Differential Interference Difference (DIC) Microscope
ViewSharpTM Ultra-fast 3D Surface Topography Technology
QScan laser vector lamellar scanning technology-high quality 3D confocal imaging without moving samples
XYZ 3D confocal imaging, depth analysis (single point or QScanTM slice scan)
Low Wavenumber Raman Scattering (30 cm-1) as standard
· Photoluminescence (PL), electroluminescence, photocurrent, upconversion luminescence
The Nano-Spatial Resolution Spectroscopy: Nano-Raman (TERS), Nano-PL and Negative Luminescence can be realized by coupling AFM and SEM