Instrument characteristics:
Adopt industrial standardized design, and at the same time, there are innovations and improvements in many places, so the results are more accurate and stable, and basically do not need maintenance.
The integrated optical module monochromator is fixed into a whole with a separate metal module, It has a strong structure that other instruments do not have, and the optical path is not affected by vibration and temperature changes, so the instrument is more accurate. At the same time, it does not need to assemble components to ensure the consistency of performance of each instrument, with higher precision, convenient maintenance and low failure rate. Moreover, the integrated optical module is economical and durable.
NIST wavelength calibration All instruments are calibrated with NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) before leaving the factory, so as to ensure that the wavelength of each instrument is accurate and true, and the same detection results can be obtained by analyzing the same sample.
Granular standard reference samples calibrate the instrument regularly with reference samples, which can ensure the stable and good hardware performance of the instrument and provide traceable performance records.
Curve Modeling and Standard Broadcom has more than 30 years of experience in near-infrared curve modeling and we have the best tools and experienced experts to develop, maintain and upgrade curves worldwide. Each instrument is equipped with a commonly used standard curve model when it leaves the factory, and will provide free upgrade service for life in the future.