Product introduction
The UV-Vis spectrophotometer standard device is a UV-Vis spectrophotometer standard system developed by China Institute of Metrology. This is a single beam system. The sample is placed vertically in the parallel beam, and its transmittance is measured. The device is mainly composed of four parts: double monochromator, light source room, sample room, electronic control and electronic measurement and software.
Performance characteristics:
There is an automatic diaphragm in the optical path, which can change the beam diameter
There is an automatic shutter switch in the optical path, which is convenient for deducting dark signals when measuring with high precision
This device is developed for measuring the standard density sheet of national standard spectrophotometer. Accurate measurement of spectral transmittance
Double monochromator, 750mm focal length double single grating, automatic scanning
Stray light is less than 5 × 10-9
Large area grating (110mm × 110mm), high energy utilization rate
The measurement spectral range is 200 ~ 850nm
The photometric measurement is accurate and the uncertainty is greater than 0.05% T
High wavelength accuracy 0.05 nm, high repeatability 0.005 nm
The light source room includes deuterium lamp for ultraviolet, bromine tungsten lamp for visible, mercury lamp for wavelength calibration and laser for adjusting optical path, which is fully automatic switching
There is a double aperture linearity inspection device in the optical path, which is convenient for linearity inspection
Glan-thompson polarizing prism and polarizing prism are provided in the optical path, which is convenient for polarization inspection
Spectrometer control software and filter wheel control software, output data acquisition and analysis calculation software, automatic storage of measured parameters, and can be printed directly
Two measurement modes, wavelength scanning mode and fixed wavelength mode, can be selected for high accuracy and fast measurement
Using aspheric mirror in optical path to improve imaging quality
The sample table can automatically move in and out of the optical path when clamping the sample