Axio Vert.A1, a new generation of research-grade inverted universal material microscope, has created a new era of research-grade inverted microscope products, The perfect Kohler lighting system brings the functions of the optical system into full play, providing you with unprecedented image quality. The combination of stable product design and ergonomic concept makes Axio Vert.A1 meet your heavy scientific research work and provide you with the most comfortable and convenient operation mode.
Technical parameters:
Optical system: ICCS optical system, lens body: FEM design, ACR position coding
1. Objective lens: 5x, 10x, 20x, 50x, 100x
2. Eyepiece 10x
3. Objective lens turntable: research-level 5-hole light and dark field objective lens turntable
4. Light source: 12V100W halogen lamp with reflective bowl.
5. Optical accessories: eyepiece micrometer ruler, platform ruler and various color filters.
6. Digital platform: It can be equipped with image analysis system (digital camera, camera and image analysis software)
7. Heat distribution table (for high temperature metallographic analysis)
8. It can be equipped with automatic scanning table.