The core of Dragonfly imaging platform is a new microlens confocal scanning head, which is closely integrated with our high-sensitivity camera and presented by imaging software Fusion. As a result, the speed is 10 to 20 times faster than that of traditional confocal, without waiting for the image to be formed point by point and line by line.
Confocal imaging is not always a suitable imaging mode, and some specimens such as yeast and other very thin samples are more suitable for wide-field fluorescence imaging. Dragonfly uses laser wide field and ClearView ™ deconvolution to provide high contrast and high resolution imaging in Fusion software. ClearView ™ is CUDA-GPU acceleration, 10-20 times faster than conventional solutions.
Our innovative design provides chromatic aberration correction TIFR illumination for simultaneous multicolor TIRF imaging at the same depth, so that accurate spatial information can provide a detailed explanation of your experimental results. You can control the critical angle and excitation depth of TIRF in the sample, or you can choose to operate in oblique illumination or HILO mode with better signal-to-noise ratio to obtain weaker signals.