Automatic multi-sample depth analysis: PHI 4700 thin film analyzer has excellent economic benefits in depth analysis of micro-areas, and can quickly perform depth analysis of micro-areas with specific micron level on SEM.
Sensitivity hemispherical energy analyzer: PHI 4700 hemispherical energy analyzer and high transmission input lens can provide zui with high sensitivity and greatly shorten sample analysis time. In addition, it has automatic measurement function, and this device can measure multiple samples in a short time. Click on the sample base displayed by the software on the screen, you can record the position to be measured, and collect data on product and process management for individual analysis.
10 kV LaB6 scanning electron gun: PHI's 06-220 electron gun is based on a tool that uses LaB6 as an electron source filament to provide a stable and long-life electron gun, mainly for depth analysis during argon sputtering of thin films. The 06-220 gun can also produce secondary electron imaging, Auger mapping and multipoint analysis. The acceleration voltage is adjusted from 0.2 to 10 kV. The minimum size of the electron beam can be guaranteed to be less than 80 nanometers.
Floating Cylindrical Ar Ion Gun: PHI FIG5B Floating Cylindrical Ar Ion Gun: Provides ions from 5 volts to 5 kV. High current and high energy ion beams are used for thick films, and low energy ion beams (250-500 V) are used for ultra-thin films. Floating columnar type ensures high etching rate and low acceleration voltage. Physically curved columns prevent high-energy neutral atoms, thus improving the shape of sputtering pits and reducing sputtering to adjacent areas.
Five-axis electric sample stage and Zalar azimuth rotation: PHI 15-680 precision sample stage provides 5-axis sample transfer: X, Y, Z, rotation and tilt. All shafts are equipped with motors and software controls to facilitate automatic depth analysis of multiple samples. The sample stage provides depth analysis of Zalar (azimuth angle) rotation, which is used to reduce the preferred sputtering of samples at a fixed position to optimize depth analysis.
PHI SmartSoft User Interface: PHI SmartSoft is recognized as a user-friendly operating instrument software. The software guides the user from inputting samples, defining analysis points, and setting analysis through task-oriented and volume label across the top display. The definition of multiple analysis points and the positioning of the most ideal sample are provided by a powerful "automatic Z-axis positioning" function. Pre-stored various operation settings, so that novices can be fast and convenient to use.