Equipped with wind-proof and rain-proof, durable shell, powered by battery, it can work continuously for up to 6 hours, so it can detect and analyze minerals in the field environment, and quickly provide users with information on major and minor components of minerals.
The analyzer provides some powerful functions. It is a lightweight, portable and almost maintenance-free analyzer that can replace traditional XRD instruments.
Equipped with a unique small sample tray, the analysis can be completed with only 15 mg sample
It can be operated without external power supply, compressed gas, water cooling device, secondary water chiller, or external transformer, so it can keep the cost of ownership low
Wireless connectivity allows you to connect the analyzer to your device
The SwiftMin software used in the analyzer is simple and intuitive, and has the following characteristics: a single-screen control panel displays various data, presets calibration procedures, easily exports data, and automatically transmits data, thus simplifying the user's workflow.