Enhanced analytical performance
Power upgrades from 1 to 2.4, 3, or 4 kW enhance sensitivity
A range of X-ray tube anode materials (rhodium, chromium, molybdenum and gold) ensure specific application performance
Composite Detector for Enhancing Sensitivity and Increasing Dynamic Range of Transition Metal Analysis
HiPer scintillation detectors for extended dynamic range of heavy elements (linearity up to 3.5 Mcps) are especially suitable for high-precision analysis of niobium and molybdenum in steel
Excellent user experience
Virtual Analyst provides concise and intuitive software
Complete set of application setup modules and software solutions
Use non-standard XRF analysis to analyze unknown materials, or analyze without standards
Multi-element micro-region analysis
Programmable face mask, suitable sample sizes from 6 mm to 37 mm
Improve sample handling capacity
SumXcore technology-using ED core (energy spectrum core) to reduce measurement time by up to 50%
Power upgrades from 1 to 2.4, 3, or 4 kW speed up analysis
Hi-Per channel can realize synchronous measurement of light elements
Continuous and direct injection can greatly shorten the injection time of the instrument
High-capacity sampler station (up to 209 bits) can meet the requirements of high-capacity applications
Sampler barcode reader option enables fast, trouble-free sample loading and data entry
Dust removal equipment can minimize pollution and greatly improve the normal operation time of the instrument
CHI-BLUE X-ray tube window coating for improving durability and corrosion resistance of X-ray tube
Sample type identification (solid and liquid)
Bar code reader can realize error-free sample data entry
Low cost of ownership of instruments
Space-saving compact design
Small volume air lock design-for rapid circulation of samples to vacuum or low helium consumption for liquid analysis
Easy-to-repair service modules mean higher instrument maintainability and shorter downtime
Special refrigerator can take away heat from laboratory-avoid overloading laboratory air conditioning infrastructure
Complete set of cost-saving solutions