Beginner/expert dual interface-suitable for multi-user environment
SXFive-TACTIS dual interface design, making full use of a tool to serve different users-. In beginner mode, instrument configuration, operation, basic imaging and data processing can be easily performed through an intuitive touch screen interface. In expert mode, the interface is designed for skilled users, who can access different tool parameters and software options.
Enhanced BSE imaging, especially at low voltage
SXFive-TACTIS is equipped with an additional BSE detector, especially at ultra-low voltage, which can provide excellent image quality (spatial resolution of 15 nm or better at 5 kV). This new BSE low kV detector enables you to quickly and accurately identify the region of interest in the sample, thus making full use of the powerful FE-EPMA to better detect trace elements.
Integrated EDS hypermapping
SXFive-TACTIS is equipped with a fully integrated electronic dispersion spectrometer hypermapping module, which can process and analyze data faster and easier. With the new EDS HyperMap module, you can collect the complete EDS spectrum of each pixel and extract the quantitative results at the same time.
EPMA is within reach...
With its unique, innovative touchscreen interface and many other efficient and easy-to-use enhancements, SXFive-TACTIS enables EPMA to be touch-controlled with excellent analytical performance, resolution or sensitivity.