Very short MS/MS cycle time and larger amount of information
• Up to 30, 000 resolutions in full scan mode
Brooke's patented RF generator ensures higher quality accuracy
Better ETD performance: higher sensitivity, better durability and better reliability
Dual ion funnel technology improves unparalleled sensitivity
Up to 20 Hz data acquisition speed and zero time delay; Positive and negative mode switching
• SMART ion isolation and fragmentation technology
Satisfy the speed of proteomic research
More low abundance proteins were identified by Bottom-up method
Excellent ETD/PTR technology and comprehensive post-translation modification analysis
Top-Down sequencing;; TDS) for higher sequence coverage
Meet the speed of drug research
Quantitative analysis of drugs by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry based on rapid liquid phase separation
Powerful software package to help complete metabolite identification and prediction
Simple and flexible, suitable for general chemistry
Test on the fly, OpenAccess one-click package
Fast MSn database search solution