Easy to use and on the verge of hair
LC-MS has durable and reliable hardware and software embedded method library, which greatly shortens the method development time. Software with friendly interface and modular design makes it easy for you to get instant results. In addition, the LC-MS system has stable and reliable performance without frequent calibration and maintenance.
More efficient and get twice the result with half the effort
The liquid chromatography-mass spectrometer system, with its unique dual ion source and self-cleaning mass spectrometer interface design, enables your laboratory to obtain high-throughput analysis without frequent instrument maintenance, making it the most efficient triple quadrupole mass spectrometer in the laboratory. The experimental data of ESI and APCI sources were obtained simultaneously with the design of double ion sources and one injection. Patented laminar ion transport technology uses high temperature airflow to further desolvation of charged ions, while avoiding collision of charged ions to the inner wall, obtaining the best sensitivity and no maintenance.
High sensitivity and high productivity
The LC-MS system has a self-cleaning design technique: Thermal Surface Induced Desolvation Mass Spectrometry Interface (HSID). This technology uses continuous high temperature airflow to transport charged particles, and further desolvation, which reduces the chemical background noise and improves the signal-to-noise ratio.
Self-cleaning technology also reduces the need for daily maintenance of instrument hardware. Compared with other mass spectrometry products, more instrument running time (3 days/month) can be obtained.
A powerful mass spectrometer that meets all your needs
It can meet all the application requirements of your laboratory. This series of products has some common functions, equally reliable, durable and proven detection technology, including patented self-cleaning design, HSID mass spectrometry interface technology, dual ion source system, unified field detector, powerful modular superposition design and high-precision UHPLC system front end