Molecular turbo pump
Adopt molecular turbo pump with high pumping speed and stable performance
Provide excellent vacuum environment for mass spectrometry to minimize ion loss, reduce background interference and improve detection sensitivity and stability
Inert ion source
Efficient ionization to reduce pollution
Two long-life inert material filaments as standard. All lenses are temperature stable and easy to clean ion source
High precision quadrupole
Adopt quad bar with pre-quad
· Filter neutral noise while optimizing transition electric field
High-precision quadrupole ensures high-quality mass spectrometry resolution
High Precision Electronic Flow Control Module
High precision full electronic flow control is used on all inlets and detectors. Flow rate or pressure can be set by CompassCDS software or flat plate, and all important parameters of the method can be saved. Each run, the set values are consistent between different operators, resulting in better retention time and more consistent and reliable results.