How it works:
Based on visible light imaging technology and infrared thermal imaging technology, According to the contrast method, that is, the contrast between the target animal and the surrounding environment (the temperature contrast between the target animal and the environment and the visible light color contrast are required), the behavior analysis of video data is done through animal behavior analysis software and infrared thermal imaging analysis software, and the temporal and spatial changes of animal temperature are analyzed, which can be used for related research in the following disciplines:
1. Entomological research: Monitor the behavioral response and physiological response of insects under environmental stress, and dynamically measure and record the behavior and body temperature of insects.
2. Animal behavior research: Monitor the interaction behavior, community behavior and level of social animals (in the lower left picture, mice with high tail temperature have high community level) and the invisible body temperature changes during interaction.
3. Wildlife investigation: Infrared thermal imaging is the main method, supplemented by visible light imaging, and the wild animals are accurately located and counted, and their behavior and physiological state are analyzed and studied (in the lower right picture, the infrared thermal imaging camera inspects a large group of Brazilian tailless bats).
You can set the target area when analyzing, Analyze and calculate the active time and inactive time of animals, running speed, acceleration, moving distance, moving direction, moving orientation, staying time in a certain area, appearing times in a certain area and contacting times with interest areas, comparing temperature changes in different parts of animals and analyzing temperature frequency histogram, etc. It can be coupled with animal respiratory metabolism measurement system to form a single-channel or multi-channel animal behavior monitoring and respiratory metabolism measurement system.