Product introduction
This product integrates the functions of colony Raman fingerprint detection and automatic cloning selection, and can carry out image recognition, Raman detection, data analysis and species identification on colonies in situ in Petri dishes, and automatically pick the target strains into porous plates for expanded culture. Avoid the waste of time and labor cost caused by large-scale sequencing and identification, effectively improve the screening efficiency of strains, and provide powerful tools for screening engineering bacteria and constructing microbial resource bank.
Product characteristics
Rapid identification of colony Raman
According to the Raman "molecular fingerprint" of the colony, the species is identified (based on the database), or the category to which the colony belongs is determined according to the cluster analysis results (that is, which colonies are the same type of bacteria without database), and then the bacteria are selected from each category for culture and downstream analysis, so as to avoid repeated selection of the same strain and effectively improve scientific research efficiency; At the same time, reduce the number of sequences and reduce the research and development cost.
Simple self-built library function
This equipment provides a simple and convenient self-built database process. Raman detection data of known strains can be quickly imported into the database as the basis for building an identification model. Raman spectra of newly tested colonies can be retrieved in the database, and species information can be analyzed according to similarity.
Pollution-free automatic colony picking
Single Piston Bacteria Acquisition Needle: Using conventional small volume TIP head consumables, can suck and spray liquid, more reliable to spread bacteria to the solution. The suction head can be replaced to ensure that there is no risk of cross contamination, and there is no need for sterilization, blow drying and other operations. The adjustable size Petri dish adapter is completely compatible even if the Petri dish has inter-batch differences, and the position of the Petri dish can be completely fixed, ensuring accurate selection of target clones.