Hydrogen tester for exhaust emission of fuel vehicles
This instrument is mainly used to detect hydrogen content in exhaust gas of fuel cell vehicles. The instrument adopts pumping sampling mode, high-precision amplifier and high-stability power processing circuit to ensure rapid, stable and reproducible detection. According to the thermal conductivity of the tested component and the standard hydrogen sample, the hydrogen content is calculated by the thermal conductivity principle. When the sensitive element adsorbs the measured gas, the thermal conductivity changes, and the thermal conductivity changes into voltage changes through the conditioning circuit. We use the voltage concentration changes to get the calibration curve, and get the content of the measured substance components through the detected voltage signal.
Hydrogen hazard
When hydrogen is mixed with air, it can form an explosive mixture, which will explode when exposed to heat or open flame, with an explosion limit of 4%-74%. Hydrogen reacts violently with halogens such as fluorine, chlorine and bromine.