High sensitivity XRF heavy metal analyzer has the ability to detect trace amounts of heavy metals, and Fast FP improves the accurate quantitative level of elements. The combination of the two key technologies brings new application prospects for XRF element detection.
1 monochromatic aggregation excitation technology
High sensitivity XRF heavy metal analyzer adopts hyperboloid curved crystal monochromator to optimize the excitation efficiency of elements, reduce the continuous scattering background of X-ray tube and improve the signal-to-noise ratio of element fluorescence rays.
2 Adopt high performance SDD detector
Silicon drift detector (SDD) is the core component of energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometer, and its performance depends on crystal area, TOP counting rate, resolution, etc. PHECDA series adopts advanced SDD detectors to ensure elemental analysis performance.
3 Fast FP algorithm
(1) The difficulty of XRF analysis is that the fluorescence intensity of elements is not only related to the content of elements in samples, It is also related to the content of other elements, which is called matrix absorption-enhancement effect. This physical effect makes it difficult to select a suitable standard sample. If the selected standard sample matrix is inconsistent and cannot cover the content range of each element of the sample to be measured, it will bring errors to the actual sample analysis.
(2) Fundamental parameters method (Fundamental parameters method) through the calculation of X-ray fluorescence spectrum from generation to detection, establish the corresponding mathematical model, the basic parameters method eliminates the background difference caused by the matrix difference of different types of samples, reduces the analysis error, and can get the quantitative analysis results of elements through the correction of a few standard samples.
4 Optimize the detection ability of cadmium
Cadmium is a toxic heavy metal, which has attracted much attention in the fields of environmental protection and food safety. There are challenges in the excitation and detection of cadmium (K α: 23.1 KeV) by conventional XRF. The detection limit of cadmium by high-sensitivity XRF heavy metal analyzer reaches an unprecedented level of 0.06 mg/kg through monochromatic focusing excitation of cadmium.
5 Portability
(1) The weight of PHECDA-PRO is 8.7 kg
(2) No auxiliary equipment such as gas and vacuum is needed
(3) It can ensure the requirements of field inspection