Realizable test functions:
Surface/interfacial tension
Contact angle, surface energy
Dynamic contact angle: forward angle and backward angle
Interfacial viscoelasticity
Elastic modulus
Viscous modulus
Rigidity coefficient
Measurement of critical micelle concentration
Crude oil: demulsifier performance, influence of surfactant on oil recovery, dynamic contact angle of crude oil/rock/liquid three phases.
Cosmetics: Emulsion stability, physicochemical formulation, dynamic contact angle of emulsion/solid surface.
Food: Stability of emulsion before freezing (ice cream), effect of protein, effect of sugar or alcohol on bubble size and distribution.
Asphalt: Wettability, emulsion characteristics at different temperatures, dynamic contact angle.
Fuel formulation: characterizes the polymerization and wettability of emulsion.
Lubricating oil: the influence of lubricating oil/material contact angle and surfactant on wettability.