Specific configuration of host:
High temperature heating furnace: the temperature can reach 1200 ℃, and it has good heating rate and heat preservation effect. The flush temperature is less than 2-3 ℃, and the constant temperature fluctuation is less than 1 ℃.
3 independent gas sources: carrier gas, process gas and analysis gas.
6 High Precision Mass Flowmeters MFC: Flow intervals can be 0-100sccm (standard), other ranges can be manufactured according to user requirements.
15 gas inlets: There are 5 inlets for carrier gas, 5 inlets for treatment gas and 5 inlets for analysis gas, for a total of 15 inlets.
· TCD thermal conductivity cell detector: The highest constant temperature of thermal conductivity detector is 200 ℃, and the constant temperature fluctuation is less than 0.5 ℃. Used to measure the adsorption capacity of gas, a four-arm thermal conductivity cell with four identical gold/tungsten wires is adopted, which has good stability, accuracy, linearity and sensitivity, and meets the test sensitivity and chemical compatibility to the maximum extent.
· Cold trap: A trap filled with desiccant is arranged downstream of the instrument to prevent the sample from condensing before TCD. The cold trap is equipped with an automatic elevator. When the cold trap is needed to work, the elevator will automatically lift according to the signal set by the software.
Four electromagnetic six-way valves: used to switch the direction of gas path, no thermoelectricity will be generated during the switching process, so as to ensure the constant temperature of gas in the system.
· LOOP rings (analysis) available: 14 types of LOOP are available, and the instrument comes standard with three types of LOOP rings (35 microliters, 500 microliters, 1 ml)
Saturated steam cylinder: It can be used for steam adsorption analysis, and the whole interior of the instrument is insulated to ensure that the steam will not condense. The maximum constant temperature of steam generator is 150 ℃, and the constant temperature fluctuation is less than 0.5 ℃.
Cooling component: the furnace body is semi-open air cooling technology by assembling electric fans at the bottom of the furnace, and the fan speed can be controlled according to the cooling signal program. It makes the temperature drop faster and reduces the interval between two experiments.
After iChem 700 automatic chemisorption instrument, mass spectrometer MS, gas chromatograph GC, flame ion detector FID, infrared spectrum IR, etc. can be connected, and data can be imported into data processing software such as EXCEL to synchronize temperature signal frequency.
Software part:
The operating software of iChem 700 is a computer-controlled multi-functional fully automated software. High level of security, high degree of intelligence, to achieve real full-automatic operation. The instrument can run in manual mode or fully automatically, Manual mode can quickly test the operability and stability of the instrument to the components, The software interface can display real-time temperature value, valve switching position, airflow direction, TCD detector stability and voltage value, baseline stability, temperature programmed linear state, mass flowmeter flow rate, relevant data acquisition, and mass spectrometry control and signal synchronous trigger when combined with mass spectrometry.
The data processing function is powerful, which can edit and divide peaks, display peak temperature, calculate peak area, integrate and smooth data, and manually mark relevant data. Automatically save running logs and experimental data; Multi-view windows are displayed at the same time (the current test page map is drawn in real time, the previous test map is viewed, and multiple maps are compared at the same time).