InertSep HLB is a composite polymer solid phase of nitrogen-containing vinyl polymer and styrene divinylbenzene. The unique synthesis technology optimizes the balance between hydrophobicity and hydrophilicity, and can retain and elute a variety of polar compounds.
There are two types of products to choose from: InertSep HLB with an average particle size of 30 μ m and InertSep HLB FF with an average particle size of 60 μ m. InertSep HLB is mainly used for enrichment and purification of small molecular drugs in biological samples such as blood samples and urine samples. InertSep HLB FF has a fast loading speed and is widely used in the analysis of antibiotic residues and pollutants in environmental water; Pretreatment of veterinary drug residues such as tetracyclines, chloramphenicol, nitrofurans and quinolones in animal-derived foods.