I. Production method and raw materials:
The raw materials are cotton, caustic soda (NaOH, industrial grade) and water.
The cotton is torn apart and visible impurities, such as small stones and dead leaves, are removed. Wash cotton with water until the effluent is clear. Put cotton in an enamel pot, add water until it can be submerged, then add NaOH equivalent to 2% ~ 5% of the water weight to the pot, cover and boil, and then boil over low heat for 10 minutes. Cool, rinse with plenty of water, and rub for about 10 minutes while washing. Put the washed cotton on clean paper to dry.
Pay attention to the strong corrosiveness of lye (NaOH), wear gloves and plastic waist, and wash it immediately when it stains on the skin. Do not cook for too long, so as not to reduce the degree of polymerization and affect esterification. Pay attention to dust prevention when drying.
II. Overview
It is made from raw cotton by removing inclusions, degreasing, bleaching, washing, drying and finishing. Absorbent cotton should be odorless, tasteless, colorless, with good water absorption, soft and slender fibers, white and elastic, easy to stratify, without harmful impurities such as acid and alkali, and its quality should meet the technical standards formulated by the Ministry of Health. Absorbent cotton is made by defatting cotton. Because the surface layer does not contain fat and has good hydrophilicity, it can be used as sterilized cotton ball by soaking in 75% alcohol.