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X-ray photoelectron spectrometer


Excellent analytical performance
Qualitative and quantitative analysis of surface elements
The energy analyzer design is combined with the bicrystal micro-focusing monochromatic X-ray source to achieve excellent energy resolution
Fast high-resolution parallel imaging
Chemical imaging: Spatial resolution better than 1um
Backtracking spectrum: Backtracking region is better than 6um
Detector without back correction
The double detector design of electron multiplier and resistive anode detector can meet the requirements of high performance XPS spectrum acquisition and high spatial resolution XPS imaging.
The innovative technology of spatial continuous resistance anode detector makes XPI imaging resolution reach 1um. At the same time, the obtained data has no detector back-bottom characteristics and no back-bottom correction, and the quantitative element distribution imaging results with micron-scale resolution can be directly obtained.
Micro-focusing monochromatic source
The analysis size can be continuously adjusted between 20 μ m and 900 μ m
Excellent sensitivity and energy resolution
Provide no less than 20 target working points to ensure that the anode target does not need to be replaced during the lifetime use of the instrument
Automatic and efficient ion analysis source
New Ar ion clusters are combined with traditional single event ion sources for in-depth analysis of various materials
High precision angular resolution XPS
The software controls the analysis position and angle to ensure the accuracy and repeatability of the data
A complete set of ARXPS data processing tools can calculate the layer thickness of nano-scale multilayer devices
One-button charge compensation
Equipped with double-beam charge neutralization system, it can be independently controlled and turned on according to the needs of actual samples.
Suitable for charge neutralization of all non-conductive samples and rough surfaces
Powerful Avantage analysis software
Full digital instrument control
Visual operation of system software
Complete set of XPS standard data library and compound structure identification database
Customize data collection to report generation mode
Easy to operate
Highly automated
Analysis area and angle resolution are optional
Automatic gas regulation and vacuum control
Calibrate at any time
Calibration of energy scale and instrument work function
Ion gun positioning and ion beam focusing
Mouse click sample navigation
Real-time display of analysis location
High illumination intensity, adjustable intensity
Flexible design
ISS, ARXPS, and REELS are standard
The multifunctional injection room is standard
UPS and EDS/AES/SEM/SAM/optional
Optional sample pretreatment accessories, including:
Sample preparation table, crystal cleaner, sample scraper
Sample heating/cooling device
Sputtering cleaning ion gun
High pressure reaction chamber

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